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文章作者:经纬  发布时间:2022-04-19  浏览次数:1384次



Investment in Duplo PFi B2+ (JWEI LST03II-0806-RM) digital cutting table and DC-618 slitter/cutter/creaser has helped Solent Design Studio break into new markets.
译文:投资引入Duplo PFi B2+(经纬LST03II-0806-RM)数码模切机以及DC-618裁切机、助力Solent设计工作室成功打入新市场。


The business, which has a turnover of £980,000, invested £55,000 in the machinery to expand its offering, largely in packaging.


Russell Pay, project manager at Solent, told Printweek: “It has enabled us to approach different industries, different sectors of the print market.
译文:Solent设计工作室的项目经理Russell Pay 告诉Printweek媒体:新设备的引入使我们能够进入不同行业、印刷市场的不同细分领域。”


The Duplo PFi B2+ (JWEI LST03II-0806-RM), he explained, has allowed Solent Design to cut short runs of packaging directly from a digital file, without having to make a die.
译文:Russell Pay 解释到,采购Duplo PFi B2+(经纬LST03II-0806-RM)数码模切机,使得他们工作室能够直接通过数字文件、而不用制作刀模,快速地完成小批量包装产品切割。


“It basically opens up a whole new market for us to proof jobs before they actually go into production.


According to Pay, this has opened up a valuable new avenue to Solent Design, which can be significantly more profitable than other parts of the market.


He added: "We’ve [also] got an experienced design team that are very creative in enabling us to approach the packaging industry.”


The Duplo PFi B2+ (JWEI LST03II-0806-RM) remains cost-effective up to around 250 boxes, depending on the shape of the box.
译文:Duplo PFi B2+(经纬LST03II-0806-RM)数码模切机的高性价比还体现在可以批量生产多达约250个盒子,这取决于盒子的形状。


The DC-618, said managing director Martin Reynolds, will help Solent Design speed along its finishing process.
译文:总经理Martin Reynolds说到,DC-618机器能够助力Solent工作室加速生产进程。


He said: “It takes a little bit of pressure off activity with cutting smaller run jobs.”
译文:Martin Reynolds说道:“通过承接小批量生产业务,能够减轻点公司的运营压力。”


Both machines were installed in November 2021 at the firm’s Hampshire site, which covers 325sqm with a mezzanine level.
译文:Duplo PFi B2+(经纬LST03II-0806-RM)数码模切机以及DC-618两台机器都是在2021年11月、于公司位于汉普郡(位于英格兰东南部的一个郡)的地址安装的,公司占地325平方米,带一个夹层。


Reynolds added that the company's longstanding relationship with Duplo had made the purchase easy.


He said: “We know Duplo from old.


“We’ve had various bits of kit off them in the past - but also Canon, who we get all of our digital kit with, work with them very closely as well.”


To support the new machinery, Solent has had to increase its electricity supply rating to 30 amps - though as the Duplo PFi B2+ (JWEI LST03II-0806-RM) isn’t running constantly, the company just turns it on when required.
译文:为了支持新设备,Solent工作室将供电额定值提高到了30安培,虽然Duplo PFi B2+(经纬LST03II-0806-RM)数码模切机不是一直运行,他们只在需要的时候打开机器。


Pay added that while he is naturally cautious, Reynolds’ confidence has paid off for the company.


He said: “Martin has proved that we’ve got to drive forward.


“We’ve got to look at new markets, we’ve got to look at new products, and that’s the way forward.


“If you stand still in the print industry, you’re going to find it very hard to make money and reinvest.”


Article from Printweek

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